Information for Coaches
CCYB is always looking for coaches to help support the program, and you don’t need a kid in the program to help out! We are looking for people who have experience playing or coaching at the high school or college levels. We typically try to have a three-person coaching staff and balance the coaches between people with stronger basketball knowledge and people who may be able to make more of a commitment. Our intent is to allow people who may want to coach but have unpredictable work/travel schedules the ability to help out. It takes a village.
CCYB works closely with the CCHS high school varsity coaches to ensure our program is training our players with the skills and knowledge required to play high school basketball. We also adhere to the Positive Coaching Alliance principles of coaching youth sports.

The following are the requirements for coaching in the CCYB Travel program:
- Be willing to submit to a CORI check
- Be available regularly for practices and games
- Foster a positive playing environment
- Have playing and/or coaching experience at the youth, high school, and/or college levels
Coaches are responsible for:
- Participating in tryouts and team formation (October)
- Participating in pre-season coach training (2 x 2-hour sessions in November)
- Planning practice and game plans (November – mid-March)
- Coaching Saturday and Sunday games from December through February, a pre-season tournament in November, and playoffs in March
- Paying referees at home games
- Ensuring facility rules are followed
- Updating Metrowest and CCYB web sites with game results
- Ensuring games are rescheduled with at least 9 days' notice by e-mailing your coordinator
- Attending required coaches meetings
- Completing end-of-season player evaluations
Important Logistics Information
Court Setup Instructions show you how to set up a gym or break one down if you are the last game of the day.
Coaches/Managers CCYB Administrative Responsibilities is a must-read to learn the basics of your responsibilities for roster management, game results, etc.
Please use the following procedure to reschedule games. Keep in mind that CCYB gives back unused gym time to our schools to keep program costs down, so we have limited flexibility. Contact your respective travel director ( or
Just a few things to note:
- Rescheduling the TIME of a game is much easier than rescheduling a DATE, as gym space is at a premium in most towns.
- We can’t leave gaps in the schedule, as referee fees are more expensive for non-consecutive game slots.
- Available home gym time can be found at the SignUpGenius here.
- Review the schedule for the team you will be playing on the MetroWest web site (Schedules tab) and determine several options for play dates that work for both teams. If you are requesting the change, you may need to play two games on the same day rather than trying to find a day in which both teams are available. You may also opt to use one of your practice slots for a game.
- Once you come up with a couple of options, use the SignUpGenius to reserve the spot and e-mail your respective Travel Director.
- Once you know available gym time, navigate to the Contacts tab on the Metrowest site to determine the e-mail address of the coach(es) for the opposing team, along with the coordinator(s) for the town. E-mail them with your proposed request.
- Once agreed to, make sure the CCYB Travel Director changes the game in the Metrowest site (it will appear in Orange as a rescheduled game). You will need to make the change in TeamSnap.
- Review the schedule for the team you will be playing on the MetroWest web site, and determine several options for play dates.
- Contact the opposing team's coach and coordinator using the Contacts tab on the Metrowest website. Copy your CCYB Travel Director on the message.
- Once agreed to, make sure the Metrowest site has been updated by the opposing town, and make sure you make the change in TeamSnap. E-mail the Travel Director once the change has been made so it can be approved.